

  • metal organic compound
  • metalorganic compound
  • metallo-organic compound
  • metallocene
  • metallorganic compound
  • organo-metal



  • 例句与用法
  • Uhv target chamber system
  • Organometallic complexes are promising nonlinear optical materials
  • The application of metal - organic compounds in fields such as luminescence , electricity and magnetism are reviewed
  • Moreover , the relation between the third order nonlinear optical characters of the compounds and their molecular structures is analyzed by connecting the experimental result with molecular structures
  • To probe structural characters of organometallic complexes and to investigate their optical properties are significant , which can direct us to synthesize more valuable organometallic complexes for practical applications in nonlinear optics
  • 3 . the reaction of lanthanide powder with anthracene in the presence of ticl4 catalyst in tetrahydrofuran at 0 - 60 under normal pressure generated organolanthanide compounds , which are less thermal . it was found that the decomposition of the organolanthanide compounds in vacuum could give rise to lanthanide powder of nanometric size with high purity accordingly
    3 .纳米尺寸镧系金属粉末制备的研究温和条件下,采用络合催化法合成镧系金属有机化合物,利用它的热不稳定性,在真空条件下进行热分解来制备纳米尺寸镧系金属粉末。
  • In the third section , i . e . chapter five , the normal raman spectra of nil2 , cul2 , pdl2 powder are studied under the excitation of laser with the wavelength of 632 . 8nm and aqueous silver colloid is prepared by pulsed laser ablation , from which the surface enhanced raman spectra of the three compounds are obtained . after preliminary assignment , the identical and different features of vibration of the compounds due to the different central metal atoms are analyzed
    第三部分,即论文的第五章,我们以632 . 8nln为激发波长研究了nilz 、 culz和pdl :三种新型金属有机化合物粉末的正常拉曼光谱,并且以脉冲激光刻蚀法制备了水银胶,以其为衬底研究了三种化合物溶液在其上的表面增强拉曼光谱,通过对其拉曼光谱进行了初步指认,了解由于中心原子的不同,三种金属有机化合物分子振动的相同和区别。
  • The principal work in this paper is to investigate the third - order nonlinear optical properties of three new organometallic complexes with z - scan technique , and study the molecule structural vibration of these complexes . in order to further understand their nonlinear optical characters there are six chapters in this paper , which can be divided into three sections : in the first section , i . e . chapter one , the current status of the development and practical applications of nonlinear optics are introduced briefly the third - order nonlinear optical effect is introduced particularly
  • Secondly , the third order nonlinear optical properties of these compounds are studied under the excitation of ps pulsed laser with the wavelength of 1064nm using z - scan technique , nonlinear refractive indices and nonlinear absorption coefficients are calculated according to the z - scan experiment curves of the compounds . all the three compounds have self defocusing characters and two photon absorptions . lastly , nonlinear refraction and absorption properties of these compounds are studied by z - scan technique under the excitation of ps pulsed laser with the wavelength of 532nm the self defocusing and reverse saturation absorption are found in these compounds
  • Some methods for synthesizing magnetic cobalt nanoparticles are introduced , especially the high temperature liquid phase method including the method of high temperature solution phase reduction , metal salt diol reduction and pyrolysis of cobalt carbonyl is elucidated in this paper . meanwhile , the mechanism controlled the nanoparticles dimension by the two kinds of surfactants is explained theoretically
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