

音标:[ yěshǔ ]   发音:
  • field mouse
  • field rodent
  • vole



  • 例句与用法
  • Since then farming communities in more than 20 counties near dongting have been overrun , observers say
  • The flooding began flushing out rat holes around the lake , triggering a literal rat race for higher ground
  • Farmers are using everything from poison to hammers and even their bare hands to kill the rodents , lulu noted
  • Farmers are using everything from poison to hammers and even their bare hands to kill the rodents , lulu noted
  • For the past two weeks residents living around china ' s second largest lake have been able to smell a rat make that two billion rats
  • " there are so many rats that you can kill three of them with one [ strike ] , " she said , adding that the banks of the lake are carpeted with dead rats
    “田里的野鼠实在太多了,你打一下就能杀死三只” ,她补充到湖岸周围到处是死鼠。
  • " there are so many rats that you can kill three of them with one [ strike ] , " she said , adding that the banks of the lake are carpeted with dead rats
    野鼠实在太多了,只能杀死其中的三分之一. ”她说,并补充到现在洞庭湖岸边遍地是死去的野鼠
  • G gene of rabies virus m , the of two main regions ( about 1000nt ) , ranging from 3161nt to 4162nt and ranging from 4012nt to 4863nt of glycoprotein gene of rabies virus strain m , isolated from mouse in he nan , china were amplified by reverse transcriptase - polynerase chain reaction ( rt - pcr ) in order to complete glycoprotein gene of strain m . these regions were sequenced by the produce of pcr directly . comparison and analysis of nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequence deduced with that of other strains published was performed by computer with dnasisv 2 . 5demo software
    本研究对我国河南某地野鼠体内分离的狂犬病野毒株mrv基因的3161位? 4162位( 1001个碱基)和4012位? 4863位( 851个碱基)片段进行了反转录pcr扩增和序列测定,得到mrv的糖蛋白基因全序列,用dnasisv2 . 5demo分析软件,与已发表的代表性毒株g基因全序列进行核苷酸和氨基酸序列的比较分析,结果表明在同一基因型中, mrv和国际标准攻毒株cvs的同源性最高( 96 . 5 ) ,和中国减毒株ctn的同源性最低( 79 . 8 ) 。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 野鼠的法语:mulot
  • 野鼠的日语:〈動〉ノネズミ.
  • 野鼠的韩语:[명사]〈동물〉 들쥐. =[爬山鼠] [田鼠(1)] →[鼠]
  • 野鼠的俄语:pinyin:yěshǔ 1) группа грызунов — разносчиков чумы (в том числе суслик, сурок, цокор); полёвки 2) полевая мышь
  • 野鼠什么意思:yěshǔ [wild rats] 生活在田野中的鼠类,种类很多,如黄鼠、田鼠、鼢鼠等。一般对农作物有害,有的能传播鼠疫
  • 野鼠とは意味:野鼠 のねずみ field mouse
  • 推荐英语阅读
野鼠的英文翻译,野鼠英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译野鼠,野鼠的英文意思,野鼠的英文野鼠 meaning in English野鼠的英文野鼠怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
