野战师 f.a.d. feldausbildungsdivision field training division
After examining the nature of the country opposite the shevardino redoubt , napoleon pondered a little while in silence and pointed to the spots where two batteries were to be placed by the morrow for action against the russian fortifications , and the spots where , in a line with them , the field artillery was to be arranged 拿破仑观察过舍瓦尔金诺多面堡对面的地形之后,思索了一会儿,指出要在明天天亮以前布置两个炮兵阵地的地点,以攻打俄军的防御工事,又指出与炮兵阵地并列的地点安置野战炮。
野战炮的法语:artillerie de campagne canon de campagne pièces de campagne