- 采购 make purchases for an organi ...
- 定单 order for goods; order form
- 定购单 buying order
- 采购定单 purchase order
- 采购定单查询 mr purchase order inquiry
- 定购单 buying order; order for goods; purchasing order
- 定购定销 fixed quotas for purchasing and marketing
- 采购单 a purchase order
- 邮购定单 mail order
- 定购单号码 purchase order number
- 市场定购单 market order
- 采购单发放 purchase order release
- 采购单副联 purchase order copy
- 采购单证文件 procurement documents
- 采购定货程序图 purchase order procedure chart
- 他们取消了货物定购单 they cancelled their order for the goods
- 委托采购单;代购订单 indent
- 未关闭的采购单 open purchase orders
- 采购单收货状况报表 purchase receipt status report
- 如果需要标准采购单证 standardized procurement documents
- 购单 buying order
- 定购 (订购) order (goods); place an order for; purchase by order; speak for◇定购单 buying order
- 采购单证文件被用来引诱潜在的卖方提出建议 proposals
- 订购单 order blank; order form noun; p/o (pruchase order); purchase orders; subscription warrant
- 请购单 a licationformforpurchase; application form for purchase; buying requisition; invoice of requisitions; purchase requisition; purchasing requisition; requisition orders