科技 (科学技术) science and technology◇科技版 science and technology page; 科技创造 scientific and technological creation; 科技成果 scientific and technological achievements; 科技成果商品化 commercial use of scientific discoveries; 科技词典 scientific and technical dictionary; 科技大学 university of science and technology; 科技工作者 scientific and technical worker; 科技攻关 tackle key problems in science and technology; 科技法制 legal system of science and technology; 科技管理学 management of science and technology; 科技规划 program for the development of science and technology; 科技合作协定 agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation; 科技交易会 science-technology fair; 科技界 scientific and technological circles; 科技进步 advance of science and technology; 科技开发潜力 scientific and technological potential; 科技期刊 technical journal; 科技情报 scientific and technical information; 科技情报机构 scientific and technical information institution; 科技人才 skilled personnel; scientists and engineers; qualified technical personnel; 科技人员 scientific and technical personnel; brainpower; technician; 科技人员合理流动制度 system of rational interflow of scientific and technical personnel; rational system for transferring scientific and technical personnel; 科技摄影 photography in science and technology; 科技术语 sientific and technical terminology; 科技体制 scientific and technological system; system of managing science and technology; 科技体制改革 reform of scientific and technological system; 科技型企业 scientific and technological enterprise; 科技政策 technology policy; 科技指导 guidance in science and technology; 科技咨询活动 scientific and technological consulting services; 科技资料传送 ursigram
The scientific and technical accomplishments achieved by luzhou laojiao group in recent years were introduced in this paper covering the following aspects : establishment of new fermentation theoretical systems successively including " in - pits solid fermentation mode of lu - type liquor " , " fermentation control by organic acid " , " out - pits fermentation to produce aroma " and " starter fermentation under anoxic environment " etc . ; research on solid fermentation of daqu ; research on production techniques of high - grade liquor products 摘要近年来泸州老窖酿酒科技创新所取得的成果:先后创建了“泸型固态法白酒窖内发酵模式” 、 “有机酸控制发酵” 、 “窖外发酵生香” 、 “微氧环境曲药发酵”等新的发酵理论体系;固态大曲发酵的研究;超高档白酒生产工艺研究。