- 勇 brave; valiant; courageous
- 虚 void; emptiness
- 酒后之勇,一时的虚勇 dutch courage
- 酒后之勇 dutch courage
- 不是“荷兰人之勇”, 而是“酒后之勇”。 dutch courage
- 酒后之勇 (不是“荷兰人的勇气”) dutch courage
- 酒后之胆 no.dutch courage
- 一时的虚勇 dutch courage
- 酒后病 katzenjammer
- 刚弓之勇将 e00f; e00g; e00h
- 龙之勇者 the i of the dragon
- 匹夫之勇 brute courage; mere physical courage; a deed of derring-do; courage without discipline; foolhardiness; mere bravado; personal prowess; reckless [animal] courage; sheer deviltry
- 天堂之勇 courage of heaven
- 万夫之勇 brave enough to match ten thousand warriors; be a host in oneself
- 血气之勇 brute courage [force]; animal courage
- 贲育之勇 the bravery of two ancient heroes (贲育, 指战国时勇士孟贲和夏育, 后泛指勇士)
- 暗后之影 shadow of a dark queen
- 后之清洗 cleaning after cmpcmp
- 身后之事 after us the deluge
- 水后之殿 water queen's house
- 午后之爱 chloe in the afternoon; love in the afternoon
- 午后之恋 love in the afternoon
- 午后之死 death in the afternoon
- 妖后之舞 shalamar / gypsy
- 蛛后之战 war of the spider queen