People were rationed to one egg a week . 每周配给一个鸡蛋。
Each worker should be provided with a bar of soap . 每一工作人员应配给一条肥皂。
The line was filled with coupon clippers and check writers . 长队中有剪配给票的,又有填支票的。
The soldiers complained that they were getting short rations . 士兵们抱怨他们得到的配给不够数。
The standard ration pack had to be portioned out among fourteen men . 一箱标准的配给物必须分给14个人。
Six month's rations for the whole city burned up in one night . 一夜之间,足够全市六个月配给量的粮食付之一炬。
Price increases may be prevented by rationing and other administrative controls . 物价上涨通过定量配给和其它行政措施是可以防止的。
Never was there such a bed, the luxury of a princess, such a bed as she had dreamed about her whole life . 从来没有过这种床,这种奢侈品只配给公主享受,她一辈子就巴望有这样一张床呀。
At the convalescent home, aeron's daily ration of custard, requiring an egg, was regarded as royal fare . 在疗养院里,埃伦每天能吃到一份配给的牛奶旦冻。这种只消一只鸡蛋就能制成的旦冻已被认为是上等点心。
We have army units distributing water for the refugees , 我们派军队把水分配给难民