- 邀 invite; request
- 准 standard; guideline; criteri ...
- 腰 名词1.(腰部) waist; small of the back 拦腰抱住 seize sb. round the middle; 两手叉腰 with one's hands on one's hips; akimbo; 扭了腰 sprain one's back muscles; 齐腰深 waist-deep; up to the waist; 弯腰 bend down; stoop2.(裤腰) waist 裤腰 waist of trousers3.(腰包; 衣兜) pocket 我腰里没钱。 my pocket is empty.4.(事物的中间部分) middle 半山腰 halfway up a mountain; on a hillside5.[生理学] loins6.(姓氏) a surname 腰强 yao qiang
- 邀注 infuse
- 腰3 length of vertebrae
- 邀月畅饮 drink together with the moon as one's [for] company
- 腰,腰部 waist
- 邀约与拒绝 invitations and refusals
- 腰坝 yaoba
- 邀约文件 solicitationdocuments
- 腰白 a white or undyed sash worn in mourning
- 邀约;要求,需要 call for
- 邀准的韩语:[동사] 허가를 얻다.
- 邀准什么意思:谓得到许可。 ▶ 郑观应 《致苏州电报局总办谢绥之刺史论苏扬小轮书》: “窃思小轮一事, 现难邀准, 然终有准行之日, 不过风气未开耳。” ▶ 茅盾 《第一阶段的故事》四: “他的汽车司机想告半天假也没邀准。”