险情 dangerous omen; dangerous case [circumstance; situation]
遇险 meet with a mishap; be in danger; be in distress 遇险船只 ship in distress; 他在那次飞机失事中遇险身亡。 he was killed by the air accident.; 遇险呼救信号 [讯] distress signal; 遇险信号 emergency signal; distress signal; sos
情况 1.(情形) circumstances; situation; condition; state of affairs 陈述自己的情况 state one's case; 全部情况 the whole circumstances; 健康情况 health condition; 在境况较差[优裕]的情况下 in reduced [well] circumstances; 在许可情况下 as far as circumstances allow; 在许多情况下 in many cases; 情况混乱 be in a state of confusion; 情况危急 be in a critical condition; 情况证明 circumstantial evidence; 情况怎么样? how do matters stand? 随情况而定。 it depends on circumstances.; it all depends.; that depends. 我们应当根据具体情况做出决定。 we should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions. 他问起她的健康情况。 he inquired after her health. 经济情况很糟。 economic conditions were very bad.2.(军事上的变化) military situation 前线有什么情况? how is the situation at the front?; 情况调查 condition survey; 情况简介 fill-in
Article 50 when a pilot - in - command received sos signals from a ship or another aircraft , or discovered a ship or an aircraft and the persons therein in distress , he shall report the state of distress in time to the nearest air traffic control unit and give possible , rational assistance 第五十条机长收到船舶或者其他航空器的遇险信号,或者发现遇险的船舶、航空器及其人员,应当将遇险情况及时报告就近的空中交通管制单位并给予可能的合理的援助。