句子 sentence 给句子润色 polish a sentence; 改写一个句子 recast a sentence; 清晰、 连贯的句子 a clear and coherent sentence; 把一个长句分成几个较短的句子 split a long sentence into shorter ones; 把两个句子并成一句 throw the two sentences into one; 句子成份 sentence element; member of a sentence
用……造句 make a sentence (sentences)with; make sentences with
用所学新单词造句。 make sentences with the new words you learn
造句的语法规则 grammatical rules for generating sentences
Making sentences are a good way to practice 造句(造句子)是一种很好的练习方法。
The teacher taught him how to make sentences with those words 老师教他如何用这三个词造句子。
When i started learning korean , i didn ' t learn it that well , but i keep memorizing and make sentences , even though it was very complicated and rough , but i keep it up and improved a lot , now i ranked the 2nd in my class 刚开始学习韩语时,我学得并不好,但是我坚持每天背诵单词和造句子,虽然很艰辛,但是我一直坚持了下来,并且取得了不小的进步,现在在班中成绩一直在前2名。
造句子的俄语:pinyin:zàojùzi составлять фразы, строить предложения