

音标:[ tōngchángde ]   发音:
  • currently
  • normally
  • usually



  • 例句与用法
  • Commonly generally , usually
  • Hence , ganesha figures are most commonly seen with four hands which signify their divinity
  • The phase inversion can be carried out in each cell by moving jumper m3 ( cell 1 ) and m5 ( cell 2 ) to the other position . generally , only one of these cells is used
    通过移动跳闸器m3 (电池1 ) ,每一个电池都可以完成相位倒置,并且跳闸器m5 (电池2 )移动到另一个位置。通常地,这些电池中只有一节被使用。
  • These fat - client applications can present a simple command - line user interface , or , more typically , they contain a rich user interface created using popular client - side gui technology
  • It is commonly thought that jesus preached for a period of three years , but this is never mentioned explicitly in any of the four gospels , and some interpretations of the synoptic gospels suggest a span of only one year
  • If the court does grant oral argument , each side will typically have a limited amount of time ( 30 minutes , for example ) to present the strong points of its case and to answer questions from the judges on the appellate court
    如果法庭允许口头辩论,各方通常地拥有一段有限的时间(例如, 30分钟)来提出本案的有力的观点并且回答上诉法庭法官的提问。
  • Uml uses a special name for these types : " classifiers . " generally , you can think of a classifier as a class , but technically a classifier is a more general term that refers to the other three types above as well
    Uml为这些类型起了一个特别的名字: “分类器” 。通常地,你可以把分类器当做类,但在技术上,分类器是更为普遍的术语,它还是引用上面的其它三种类型为好。
  • An argument for support of this speculation is that bachelorhood was very rare for jewish males of jesus ' time , being generally regarded as a transgression of the first mitzvah ( divine commandment ) - " be fruitful and multiply "
    支持这个论点的一种思考就是独身生活在耶稣时期的男性是十分罕有的,通常地被认为是违返了第一条戒律(神圣的命令) ? ? “结出果实和繁衍后代” 。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 通常地的法语:communément habituellement ordinairement vulgairement couramment communément
  • 通常地的俄语:pinyin:tōngchángde обычно, нормально; обыкновенно, как общее правило
  • 推荐英语阅读
通常地的英文翻译,通常地英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译通常地,通常地的英文意思,通常地的英文通常地 meaning in English通常地的英文通常地怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
