逐次 each time; gradually; successive◇逐次分析 sequential analysis; 逐次简化 successive reduction; 逐次跃进 [军事] advance by bounds
逼近 1.(靠近, 接近) press on towards; gain on [upon]; approach; crowd on; close in on; draw near 逼近敌人主力 close in on the main force of the enemy; 敌人已在我军逼近时逃窜了。 the enemy ran away at our approach.2.[数学] (用较简单函数代替较复杂函数, 使其误差尽可能小) approximate; approximation; 逼近度 degree of approximation; 逼近函数 appoximating function; 逼近式 approximant; 逼近误差 approximate error
算法 algorithm◇算法语句 algorithmic statement; 算法语言 algorithmic language (algol)
By using successive approximation approach , the feedforward and feedback optimal control law is presented , and a disturbance observer is designed to make the optimal controller physically realizable 采用逐次逼近算法给出了系统前馈反馈最优控制律的设计方法,利用扰动观测器解决了最优控制律的物理可实现问题。