- 选 select; choose; pick
- 别 change
- 材 timber
- 选别材堆物 stacking stall
- 钢材堆场 steel stockyard
- 木材堆场 log storage yard; log yard; timber storage yard; timber yard; wood yard
- 生材堆场 green lumber storage
- 材堆 stack piles loads; stack; piles; loads
- 选别 discrimination; rejection; sizing; sort
- 堆场 cy container yard; drop; hardstanding; material yard; stacking park; stackyard; stock yard; stockdump; stockpiling yard; stockyard; storage space; storeyard; yd yard
- 低级别材料 low grade material
- 材堆区 pile area
- 宽材堆 wide piles
- 木材堆 i03e; lmbr
- 圆材堆 camp run
- 窄材堆 narrow piles
- 选别比 separation coefficient
- 选别机 classifier; sizer
- 选别器 sizer
- 武器级别材料 weapons transfers; weapons-grade material
- cy堆场到堆场 cy to
- 材堆基础 stack bottom
- 材堆坡度 slop of a stack; slope of stack
- 材堆通风道 chimney in pile
- 成材堆垛机 lumber elevator