Analysis and ways for fresh man to adjusting to university 大学新生适应不良的原因分析及调适方法
Through analysis of the common behavior and the interanl causes of these problems , this article is to explore effective ways to modifying freshmen ' s psychology 文章从分析大学新生适应不良的主要表现及内在原因入手,探索了新生进行心理调适的有效途径。
It is the " quality control " measure and a way of deepening the therapeutic process , not the money , means the most for the patients to unlearn maladaptive thought / behavior patterns and develop new associations and connections that lead to emotional well - being , ultimately eliminating the need for psychotherapist 译:对病人来说,最重要的是质量控制措施及加深治疗的作用,而不是金钱,以便帮助他们摆脱适应不良的思维与行为模式和发展新的能带来情绪安宁的社会关系和人际关系,并最终摆脱对心理治疗师的依赖。
The guidance to the bad learning - adaptation should focus on improving self - esteem and self - reliance of the students the guidance to the bad companion relationship should play importance on building up good class atmosphere , improving students ' social skills ; setting up a safe campus environment can reduce humiliate behaviors 对学业适应不良的指导重在通过学习指导,提高学生的自尊与自信;对同伴关系适应不良的指导重在建立良好的班集体气氛,提高学生的社会技能;而建立安全的校园环境则可以减少欺侮行为。