" on december 9 , carandiru was finally demolished . “ 12月9日,卡兰迪鲁终于被拆除。 ”
Who are your favorite writers ? andy rooney 你最喜欢的作家是?安迪鲁尼。
Here is my saint anthony , saint joseph , my virgin of guadalupe 这是我的圣安东尼,圣约瑟夫我的哥拉迪鲁比圣母
Inmates from 10 prisons competed in the thursday night event in sao paulo , brazil ' s most populous and cosmopolitan state 日前,巴西圣保罗“ 2005年监狱小姐大赛”在卡兰迪鲁女子监狱中心举行。
Bro . jeevanandham who was a government servant was later transferred by the government department to thiruvothiyur . as a result of the transfer , he also moved his residence to thiruvothiyur 基瓦南亨弟兄是一位公务人员,之后被调职到迪鲁渥狄攸,于是便举家迁移当地。
Stuttgart ' s minister for sports , susanne eisenmann surrounded by journalists as she details the race organiser ' s court injunction over the participation of paolo bettini and danilo di luca 德国体育部长今天宣布法庭通过一项议案阻止贝迪尼和迪鲁卡( 2007年环意总冠军)参加本周日在斯图加特举行的世锦赛公路精英赛。
After three to four continuous visit , as the church sees the prospect of evangelical work in tirunilai , the church in ambattur constructed a small thatched hut in an unoccupied government land 经过三、四次的访问之后,我们认为宣道事工在迪鲁尼莱有发展潜力,故此安巴都教会即在一块政府的空地建造一所小茅屋作为会堂。
An angolan won brazil ' s marquee prison beauty pageant , beating a troupe of contestants born in a country where people are deadly serious about looking good , even in its notorious jails 日前,巴西圣保罗“ 2005年监狱小姐大赛”在卡兰迪鲁女子监狱中心举行。经过6个多小时的紧张角逐,安哥拉籍犯人安杰莉卡?马库阿最终荣获选美比赛冠军。
Mr ambani runs reliance industries , india ' s second - largest firm . the oil , textiles and chemicals giant was founded by his father , dhirubhai , who started work as a petrol pump attendant 安巴尼目前经营印度第二大公司? ?信实工业。这个经营石油、纺织品和化学品的集团由他的父亲迪鲁拜一手创建,而他最开始工作的时候只是一个加油泵服务生。