

  • lag period
  • lag phase



  • 例句与用法
  • There was not obvious delaying stage in growth curve of bi . ba was reverse . there were also not obvious delaying stage in growth curve of bi and bbr
    剧和bbr均无明显的生长迟滞期,培养48hr ,菌液吸光值分别为2 . 348和2 . 162 。
  • The content of ammonium nitrogen in the medium reduced rapidly during the lag phase , but showed a slightly increase during the rapid - growth phase
    而在生长迟滞期内,培养液中氨态氮的消耗高达35 . 29 g ml ? d ,但进入快速生长期后,氨态氮含量先明显回升,然后又逐渐下降。
  • When cultured in liquid medium , the growth period of a . ficoidea cv . " ruliginosa " hairy roots could be divided into three phases : lag phase , rapid - growth phase and plateau phase
    而在添加6 - ba2 . 0mg l和naa0 . 8mg l的ms培养基上,部分愈伤组织能分化出幼芽。红龙草毛状根液体培养的生长过程分为三个时期:生长迟滞期、快速生长期、生长平台期。
  • Nicrate nitrogen and phosphate in liquid medium were quickly consumed at the lag phase of the growth , the consumption rate was 16 . 71 g / ml d and 1 . 67 g / m ) d , respectively ; but during the rapid - growth phase , its consumption rate was decreased
    在毛状根生长迟滞期内,培养基中的硝态氮和磷酸盐的消耗较快,其消耗速率分别为16 . 71 g ml ? d和1 . 67 g ml ? d ;但在快速生长期,其消耗速率反而减慢。
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