- breach of military discipline
- 违犯 violate; infringe; act contr ...
- 军纪 military discipline
- 违犯军职罪 crime against military duty
- 军纪 military discipline 违犯军纪 breach of military discipline; 士兵受军纪约束。 soldiers are governed by military discipline. 不惩治他会败坏军纪。 it would be corrupting military discipline to leave him unpunished
- 违犯 violate; infringe; act contrary to 违犯纪律 violation of discipline; breach of discipline; 违犯宪法 violation of the constitution; 违犯规则 infringe a rule
- 军纪棒 night stick
- 违犯;侵犯 veolate
- 违犯者 offender; violator
- 【军事】行军纪律。 road discipline
- 不服从军纪 against army discipline
- 海军纪念日 navy day
- 海军纪事 naval record
- 解放军纪委 pla committee for disciplinary inspection
- 军纪, 军事, 纪律 military discipline
- 军纪法庭 summary court martial
- 军纪监察科 military discipline and ethics section
- 陆军纪要 el memorial del ejercito; memorial del ejercito el; memorial del ejercito, el
- 苏军纪念碑 monument to the soviet army the; monument to the soviet army, the
- 行军纪律 march discipline
- 不能违犯的 irrefrangible
- 奇偶违犯 parity violation
- 违法, 违犯法律 violation of law
- 违犯法律 contra legem
- 违犯规定 failure to observe limitations
- 违犯规则 infringe a rule