- violations of the law must be investigated and dealt with.; law breakers must be dealt with.; violators must be brought to justice
- 执法必严,违法必究 make law, follow the law, uphold the law, and hold violators accountable
- 有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 see to it that laws are observed and strictly enforced and that lawbreakers are brought to book
- 有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 there must be laws to go by, the laws must be observed and strictly enforced, and lawbreakers must be prosecuted
- 违法 break the law; be illegal 违法行为 illegal activities; unlawful practice; 违法售酒 bootlegging; 你违法了。 you transgressed against the law. 这是违法的。 this is against the law.; 违法分子 law-breakers; 违法合同 illegal contract; 违法经营 illegal operation; 违法搜查 extralegal search; 违法者 a person who breaks the law
- 有法必依 ensure that the laws are strictly observed; abide by the laws 有法必依, 执法必严, 违法必究 see to it that laws are observed and strictly enforced and that lawbreakers are brought to book
- 执法必严 laws already enacted must be enforced to the letter.; be strict in enforcing the law; enforcement of laws must be strict.; law's enforcement must be strict
- 翻印必究 reproduction of the book will be prosecuted
- 仿冒必究 patented product counterfeiting not allowed
- 违法,犯法;违法的。 lawbreaking
- 不违法 lawlessness
- 犯法, 违法 break the law
- 犯罪,违法 delinquency
- 违法, 犯法 go beyong the law; violate a law
- 违法的 criminal; illegalillegal; illegitimate; illicit; legally wrong
- 违法地 illicitly
- 违法火 actionable fire
- 违法性 illegality; rechtswidrigkeit
- 违法者 delinquent; lawbreaker; offender; wrongdoer
- 版权所有、翻印必究 all rights reserved
- 专利产品,仿冒必究 patented product(s), counterfeiting not allowed; patented product, counterfeiting not allowed
- 违法行为违法行为 delinquent behavior
- 读取违法 fetch violation
- 犯规,违法行为 offense n
- 非法的;违法的 illegal
- 违法编码模式 code violation pattern
- 违法不究,姑息纵容 refrain from punishing law-breakers and tolerate or connive at their crimes