- 远距 long distance; tele-
- 洄游 migration
- 性 nature; character; dispositi ...
- 种类 kind; class; description; ty ...
- 洄游性鱼类 migration fishes; migratory fishes
- 洄游性鱼种 migratory species of fish
- 广食性种类 food tolerant species
- 鉴别性种类 diagnostic genera
- 沿海性种类 coastal species
- 中上层鱼类;洄游性鱼类 swimming fishes
- 数据独立性种类 variety of data independence
- 洄游 migration◇洄游路线 migration route; 洄游率 rate of migration; 洄游速度 migration velocity; 洄游鱼 migrant
- 浮游性 floatability; planktonic life
- 自游性 planetism
- 种类 kind; class; description; type; variety 不同种类的刀具 cutters of different kinds; 种类繁多 a great variety
- 远距 long distance; tele-◇远距卫星 remote satellite; 远距运动 telecinesia
- 活性种 activated species; reactive species; spike
- 加性种 additive species
- 特性种 characteristic species
- 无性种 agamo ecies; agamospecies; apomictic species; asexual species; binode
- 显性种 dominant species
- 洄游;群移 migration
- 洄游的 migratory
- 洄游类 migratoryspecies
- 洄游率 rate of migration