卓识 judicious judgment; superior insight or judgment; sagacity 远见卓识 foresight and sagacity
远见 far-sight; foresight; vision 没有远见的人 a man without vision; 有远见的人 a man of foresight; 显得没有什么远见 show very little foresight; 谁也没有足够的远见能预测哪一个获胜。 no one had enough foresight to predict the winner
He was my friend and i believed in his vision . 他是我的朋友,对于他的远见卓识我深信不移。
He had demonstrated to all those obsessed with the tangible the transcendence of visionary . 他向所有那些纠缠于眼前事物的人们显示了他的远见卓识。
When at meals the young fellow spoke so intelligently of america's destiny, hoxworth was proud . 在饭桌上谈起美国前途时,霍克斯沃思也为年轻人的远见卓识感到满意。
Every man, especially those that are overprovident, is in estate like that of promethus . 每一个人,特别是那种远见卓识的人,永远处在普罗米修斯所处的那样一种境地。
As if folk were gifted with a far look into eternity, to make up for the oppressions which they suffered here below in time . 就好象人们有远见卓识,能看到来生,从而弥补他们今生在今世所受的压迫似的。
Only the wisest of leaders have the foresight to look at a distant objective and in its name stand up against all pressures . 只有最明智的领导人才具有远见卓识,可以高瞻远瞩,并为了遥远的目标而抗拒一切压力。
Was it because of your foresight or your curiosity 是因为您的远见卓识,还是出于好奇?
True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation 真正有远见卓识者往往受同时代人的误解。
True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation 真正有远见卓识的人往往招致同时代人的误解
远见卓识的法语:avoir de hautes visées et de la pénétration d'esprit;avoir des idées lucide être doué d'une grande prévoyance(clairvoyance);avoir de hautes visées et de la pénétration d'espri esprit de grande envergu...