- buying rate for usance bill
- 远期汇票 usance bill; long draft; tim ...
- 即期汇票银行买入价格 demand draft buying
- 股票买入价格 beginning price
- usance远期汇票 usance billbill at
- 和远期汇票 time bill or usance bill
- 远期汇票 after sight bill; bill at usance; date draft (=time draft); tenor drafts; time bill or usance bill; time draft (usance bill); time drafts; time draught; usance draft (tenor draft, term draft)
- 出口远期汇票 export usance bill
- 远期汇票, 国外汇票 long draft
- 远期汇票兑换率 forward rate
- 买入价 bid price; buying rate
- 远期汇票价, 期票贴现率 usance bill rate
- 买入价;买入汇率 buying rate
- 买入价格 purchase consideration
- 期权买入价 option purchase price
- 现钞买入价 price of purchasing foreign cash; purchasing price for cash; purchasingpriceforcash
- 银行买入价 bank's buying rate
- 远期汇率;期汇率 forward rate
- 最后买入价法 most recent purchase method
- 远期汇兑 forward exchange; long exchange
- 远期汇兑率 long exchange rate
- 远期汇率 forward exchange rate; forward rate; ndf
- 长期汇票 long bill; long draft; long exchange; long term bill; long-term bill
- 到期汇票 bill to fall due; matured bill
- 定期汇票 data draft; date draft; dated draft; days after sight (d/s); fixed bill; fixed term bill of exchange; period bill;time bill; periodic bill; time bill of exchange; time draft
- 短期汇票 short bill; short-dated bills; short-term bill; short-time bill