If the needles are inserted skillfully you feel nothing 如果进针熟练,你没有什么感觉。
Study on the safe puncturing depth of fengfu point under ct location 定位下风府穴安全进针深度研究
Clinical observations on the treatment of ischemic stroke with scalp multipoint electroacupuncture 头皮多点进针电刺激治疗缺血性脑中风临床观察
Applying the ct to measure the urine bladder through the second side line seven caves enter the research of the needle depth 测量膀胱经第二侧线七穴进针深度的研究
She took a new needleful of thread , waxed it carefully , threaded her needle with a steady hand , and then observed , with perfect composure - 她又拿了一根线,仔细地上了蜡,她的手沉稳地把线穿进针眼,随后非常镇静地说:
The formulation of slab - column system flexure and internal force in elasticity was established according to the known condition of boundary and stress , and the elasticity formulation using the factor of relativity coordinate was simplified 摘要根据已知的边界和受力条件,建立无梁楼盖挠度和内力的弹性分析解,并利用相对坐标引入参数,对此弹性解进针化简。
The paper lays a strong emphasis on discussing the realization of the autocontrol of raster scanning of the scanner in x - y dimension , the " tapping " of the cantilever of the tappingmode afm by a direct digital synthesizer . then a method of parallel communication between dsp and pc in epp mode is given . finally , the author discussed the digital pid closed loop control of the scanner in z - direction , the automatic approaching of the tip using step - motor , and also some electro - magnetic interferences 论文首先简单介绍了扫描探针显微镜的发展、分类、工作原理及应用;接着对ti公司的tms320vc5402dsp的特点及外围扩展作了简单介绍;然后分章节重点讲述了利用vc5402dsp实现扫描探针显微镜的核心部件? ?压电陶瓷管的x向和y向的光栅扫描控制;借助直接数字集成器( dds )实现轻敲式原子力显微镜的微悬臂的“轻敲” ; vc5402dsp的主机接口( hpi )与pc机在增强并行口( epp )模式下的通信;论文最后还介绍了扫描管z向的数字pid闭环控制,步进电机的自动进针,并对实际出现的一些电磁干扰问题作了讨论。