- invoice book
- purchase day book
- purchase journal
- 进货 stock with goods; lay in a s ...
- 簿 book
- 购货簿,进货簿 purchase journal
- 购买簿,购货簿,进货簿 purchase book
- 进货簿发票存根 invoice book
- 进货 stock (a shop) with goods; lay in a stock of merchandise; replenish one's stock; purchase of merchandise 进货分类帐 purchase ledger; bought ledger; 进货成本 purchase cost; cost of goods purchased; 进货付款利息 interest on payment for purchases; 进货价格 prime cost; 进货退出 purchase returns; 进货员 buyer; 进货折让 purchase discounts and allowances
- 交货簿, 送货簿 delivery book
- 出货簿 invoice book outwards
- 存货簿 nbsp; stock book; stockbook
- 定货簿 order book
- 订货簿 o. b. (o/b) order book; o. b. order book; order book noun
- 购货簿 bought book; purchase book; purchases journal
- 交货簿 delivery book for goods; depotition book
- 理货簿 tally book
- 收货簿 goods receiving book
- 售货簿 sold book
- 送货簿 goods delivery book
- 销货簿 sale book; sales book; sales journal
- 材料定货簿 materials order book
- 购货簿, 买货单 bought note
- 理货簿, 清点簿 tally book
- 购买,进货 purchase
- 进货薄 bought book; bought day book; bought invoice book; bought journal
- 进货单 list 1
- 进货的 receiving
- 进货簿的俄语:pinyin:jìnhuòbù реестр поступающих товаров; фактурная книга