- make scientific researches on diseases of the blood
- 进行 be in progress; be underway; ...
- 血液病 nosohemia; hematonosis; bloo ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 科研工作 scientific research
- 血液病的 hemopathic
- 科研工作 scientific effort; scientific research
- 科研工作者 researcher
- 从事科研工作 be engaged in scientific research
- 科研计划;科研工作 scientific effort
- 他从事科研工作 he is engaged in scientific research
- 致力于科研工作 devote oneself to the scientific study
- 血液病的咽喉部表现 the present of blood disease from pharyngeal
- 血液病 blood disease; hematologic disease; hematologic disorder; hematonosis; hematopathy; hemopathy; nosohemia
- 核血液病学 nuclear hematology
- 血液病科 hematology department
- 血液病理学 hematopathology; hemology; hemopathology
- 血液病门诊 hematology clinic
- 血液病学 hematology
- 血液病学家 hematologist
- 血液病症 blood disorder
- 临床血液病学 clinical hematology
- 临诊血液病学 clinicohematology
- 血液病性贫血 hemopathic anemia
- 血液病性龈炎 hemopathic gingivitis
- 血液病组织学 hematohistology