- 进站 get in; pull in; draw up at ...
- 进 advance; move forward; move ...
- 港 harbour; port
- 到达 arrive; get to; reach
- 进站 get in; pull in; draw up at a station 准时进站 drew up at the station on time; 进站信号 home signal
- 抵港已到达已进港已抵达 arrived
- 进港 arrivals; docking; entry; inbound; make a port; proceed into harbour; put into port; run into port
- 站进来 stand up
- 进站, 靠岸 pull in
- 进站的 inbound
- 进站线 entry road
- 水平站进 lateral drilling
- 到达 arrive; get to; reach 到达顶点 come to a head; 到达饥饿点 reach the point of starvation; 他们昨天到达北京。 they arrived in beijing yesterday.; 到达港 port of arrival; port of destination; 到达日 date of arrival; 到达时间 time of arrival; 到达站 destination; (列车) 到达站台 in-track platform; 到达重量 arrived weight; landed weight
- 船进港 ship's entry
- 进港船 incoming vessel
- 进港的 inbound; inward; outward
- 进港费 groundage; inward charges
- 进港货 inward cargo
- 进港税 groundage
- 进港图 approach chart
- 入港, 进港 arrival at port
- 车站进路交叉 crossing of routes
- 水电站进水口 intake of hydropower station
- (车)进站,(船)到岸 pull in
- 火车进站了 the train is pulling in