进程 course; proceeding; process; progress 历史进程 the course of history; 加速进程 expedite proceedings; 自然发展进程 a process of natural development; 加速康复进程 accelerate the course of convalescence; 他们密切注视着中东的和平进程。 they take care to follow the course of peace in the middle east. 在人类历史发展进程中, 新的艺术不断诞生。 new arts have been born in the course of the history of man.; 进程管理程序 process supervisory program; 进程内共享 intra-process sharing; 进程偏心轮 [工业] forward eccentric; 进程通信 process communication; 进程图 fate map
And details the use of perl to clear the process table 并详细讲述了如何使用perl来清除进程表(
To build documentation from code after the fact , satisfying management without hitting your schedule so hard 当代码满足管理且对进程表没有太大影响时,使用
It has a part called the scheduler which keeps information inside itself about all the other ( non - kernel ) processes in your zoo 有一个称做时间表的东西保存了在你空间里的其他非内核进程的进程表。
Processes can be started , killed , restarted , or sent arbitrary signals based on regular expression matches in the process table 可以根据进程表中正则表达式的匹配来启动、杀死、重启进程或发送任意信号。
The scheduler stops whatever process is currently running , suspends it in place , and hands control to another process 进程表停止当前正在运行的进程,将它置入一个合适的空间里,并且着手控制其他的进程。
Cpan module , which can go through the entire process table , and give the user a list of processes with many important attributes Cpan模块进行的,它浏览整个进程表,并返回给用户带许多重要属性的进程列表。
To send a signal to a process , the kernel sets a bit in the signal field of the process table entry , corresponding to the type of signal received 为了向进程发送一个信号,内核在进程表条目的信号域中设置一个位,对应于收到的信号的类型。
The bytecode interpreter adds about 65mb to the process table over the maximum heap size for a 128mb heap , and increases in size as does the maximum heap size does 字节码解释器向进程表大约添加65mb (除了最大堆大小128mb之外) ,并随最大堆大小的增加而增加。
General overview of project management - practical exercises related to all pm areas such as scheduling / risk management / communications management / cost , 5 processes 总观项目管理的知识和实践经验- - -制订项目的进程表/风险管理/沟通管理/成本的管理,以及五个项目管理中的运作过程。
When calculating the largest number that this figure can grow to , you must not only consider the maximum heap size , but also the process size of the java bytecode interpreter which is reflected in the os process table over and above the maximum heap size 在计算该数字可以达到的最大数目时,您必须考虑的不仅有最大堆大小,而且还有除最大堆大小之外的java字节码解释器的进程大小(这个大小在操作系统进程表中列出) 。