

  • progressive forces



  • 例句与用法
  • The reason is that the forces supporting resistance and progress cannot build up enough strength in the immediate future to overwhelm the forces supporting capitulation and retrogression
  • Without struggle , these progressive forces would be exterminated by the die - hard forces , the united front would cease to exist , there would be nothing to hinder the die - hards from capitulating to the enemy , and civil war would break out
  • The tactics required for this purpose are to develop the progressive forces , win over the middle forces and combat the die - hard forces ; these are three inseparable links , and the means to be used to unite all the anti - japanese forces is struggle
  • Enterprise is in the person of enterpriser . enterprisers are the main body , and the advancement and reform forces in society , and the rare manpower resources in modern times , and the pride of a nation . they promote the transform of ages
  • Thus the purpose of our struggle against the die - hards in the period of the anti - japanese united front is not only to parry their attacks in order to protect the progressive forces and enable the latter to go on growing , it is also to prolong the die - hards ' resistance to japan and to preserve our co - operation with them in order to avert large - scale civil war
  • In our struggle to develop the progressive forces , win over the middle forces and isolate the die - hard forces , we must not overlook the role of the intellectuals , whom the die - hards are doing their utmost to win over ; therefore it is an important and indeed an essential policy to win over all progressive intellectuals and bring them under the influence of the party
  • 推荐英语阅读
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