

  • boot
  • feed bin
  • feed funnel
  • feed hopper magazine
  • feed magazine
  • feed surge bin
  • feeder hooper
  • feeder hopper
  • feeding funnel
  • feeding hopper
  • feeding skip
  • hopper



  • 例句与用法
  • Enter the raw material the staincess , venverievt deaning
  • The materials come into inlet from upper side of machine , and they fall down onto the dispersing materials plate rotating with central axis in two ways , then the materials are sent into passage between rollers and rings , after they are grinded into pieces , they are discharged from the down lip
  • This machine is of vertical crushing structure , and the material is fed into the crushing chambezr through a hopper , crushed by simultaneous cutting of both fixed and movable knives and rotating impact of rotating knife , and entered into the catcher automatically under the effect of rotating centrifugal force , and the dust is filtered and recovered by dust collector through a bag
  • This machine is used for producing ( ldpe ) . this machine is equipped with double screw stems , two hoppers to provide different types , and cooling water system . the final productin of the film consists for two faces , one side of film is adhesive and the other side is normal . it is widely used for packing architecture material and hadware parts etc
    本机适用于生产低密度聚乙烯( ldpe )塑料流延薄膜,该机采用双螺杆挤出,两个进料斗的原料使用不同的配方,生产的薄膜可达到一边粘的效果,广泛用于建筑材料、五金配件等包装。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 进料斗的日语:ながぐつ じゅうさし ブーツ フィーダホッパ スクープきゅうそうき ひしゃくきゅうそうき ひしゃく給送器 スクープ給送器
  • 推荐英语阅读
进料斗的英文翻译,进料斗英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译进料斗,进料斗的英文意思,進料斗的英文进料斗 meaning in English進料斗的英文进料斗怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
