- 进口 enter port; sail into a port ...
- 通 open up or clear out by poki ...
- 胀 expand; dilate; inflate
- 输入 import
- 进口通胀 imported inflation
- 输入通胀 imported inflation
- 通胀 industrail and commercial consolidated tax; inflation; stagflation
- 低通胀 low inflation
- 通胀率 infation rate; inflation rate
- 通胀税 inflation tax
- 本地通胀 local inflation
- 恶性通胀 hyper inflation; hyperinflation
- 反通胀政策 deinflationary policies
- 核心通胀 core inflation; credit ration
- 核心通胀率 core inflation
- 渐升通胀 creeping inflation
- 内致通胀 domestically generated inflation
- 通货膨胀;通胀 inflation
- 通胀压力 inflationary pre ure; inflationary pressure
- 通胀影响 inflationary implication
- 通胀预期 inflation expectation; purchasing power
- 通胀指标 indicator of inflation
- 通胀准备金 allowance for inflation
- 需求通胀 demand inflation
- 本地通胀压力 local inflationary pressure