- declaration for import
- import declaration
- 进口 enter port; sail into a port ...
- 免税进口申报单 free entry
- 出口申报单 declaration for export (e/d); e/d export declaration; e/d-----------------export declaration; export declarations; port declaration
- 进口申报 declaration for import; import declaration
- 进口申报表 report of entry
- 免税进口申报 free entry
- 出口申报单正本 export declaration original
- 货主出口申报单 shipper’s export declaration
- 进口货物申报单 entry for consumption
- 进口消费品申报单 consumption entry
- 申报单 declaration de ressources; declaration form; travellers statement
- 舱口申报 declaration of hatch
- 出口申报 export declaration
- 出口申报表 cusdec-2; report of clearance; sed
- 出口申报丹 de; e
- 出口申报书 e/d export declaration; export declaration(e/d)
- 港口申报 declaration of port
- 进出口申报 import and export declaration
- 进口申请 application of import; notice of import
- 进口申请单 import declaration
- 进口申请书 i/d (import declaration); inward entry
- 集装箱进口货物海关申报单 container cargo import clearance
- 保险申报单 insurance declaration sheet
- 承兑申报单 acceptance declaration
- 船长申报单 captain's declaration