- 进口 enter port; sail into a port ...
- 承诺 promise to undertake; undert ...
- 口承 horn; lip; mouth piece=mouthpiece; mouthpiece
- 刀口承 knife edge bearing; knife-edge bearing
- 承诺 promise to undertake; undertake to do sth.; acceptance of offer; acceptance 迫使某人作出承诺 force a promise from sb.; 记住要履行你的承诺。 remember to carry out your promise. 双方承诺为进一步开展文化交流创造便利条件。 both sides undertake to facilitate further cultural exchanges.; 承诺人 accepter; acceptor; 承诺调解 consent settlement
- 角口承接 birdsmouthing
- 送话器口承 microphone mouthpiece
- 窝接口承端 socket end
- 出口承竞汇票 export acceptance
- 话机送话器口承 telephone mouth piece
- 刃形支承,刃支承,刀口承 knife-edge bearing
- 保证,承诺 assurance
- 不承诺 disclaimer
- 承诺,允许 promise
- 承诺;企业 undertaking
- 承诺包 commitment estimate commitment package; commitment package
- 承诺表 schedules of commitments
- 承诺的 affirmatory
- 承诺额 amount committed; commitment
- 承诺法 commitment approach
- 承诺费 commitment fee; commitmentfee
- 承诺函 commitment letter
- 承诺环 promise ring
- 承诺井 obligation well