- 进口 enter port; sail into a port ...
- 干道 artery; main line; high stre ...
- 口干 dry; thirst 我唱得口干。 i am dry with singing. 在这种大热天我总感到口干。 i always feel dry in this hot weather
- 干道 artery; main line; [英国] high street; [美国] boulevard◇干道路灯 boulevard light; 干道停车站 boulevard stop
- 口干苦 dry mouth with bitter taste
- 口干燥 dry mouth
- 口干症 xerostomia
- 次干道 collector streets; secondary main road
- 干道的 arterial
- 干道网 mains
- 干路;干道 distributor road/ route; distributor road/route
- 主干道 arterial road; arterial streets; backbone road; broad thorough-fare; trunk road
- 会感到口干 can feel dryness in the mouth
- 井口干扰 hole noise
- 口干唇裂 dry mouth and cracked lips; dry mouth with cracked lips
- 口干唇燥 dry mouth and lips; dry rnouth and lips
- 口干而苦 dry mouth with bitter tatse
- 口干目合 mouth opened and eyes closed
- 口干舌燥 mouth parched and tongue scorched
- 口干咽燥 dry mouthv and throat
- 妊娠口干 pregnant dry mouth
- 我唱得口干 i am dry with singing
- 口干症 口腔干燥 xerostomia
- 眼鼻口干燥病 ophthalmo-rhino-stomato-xerosis