Experimental study on the effect of the inlet pressure on the performance of vortex tube 进口压力对涡流管性能影响的实验研究
For compressible fluids , where pressure drop exceeds half the inlet pressure 对于可压缩性流体,如果压降超过进口压力的一半。
Calculate the pressure difference by subtracting the desired outlet pressure from the maximum inlet pressure 通过从最大进口压力减去所需要的出口压力来计算压差。
Elastomers for gas pressure regulators and associated safety devices for inlet pressures up to 100 bar 进口压力为100巴以下的燃气压力调节器和相关安全装置用弹性体
Essentially balanced single seat minimizes a variation in delivery pressure resulting from a varying inlet pressure 基本平衡单阀座最大限度减小进口压力变化对输出压力的影响。
Under a fixed bigger expansion ratio , the cooling performance of the vortex tube increases with the increase of the inlet pressure 膨胀比为3时,进口压力的增加基本不影响涡流管的制冷性能,而膨胀比为6时,随着进口压力的增加,涡流管的制冷性能显著提高。
The influence of operating parameters , such as pump rotation speed , suction pressure and gas content , on the performance of a multiphase rotordynamic pump is investigated 用多相泵试验台架测试了泵转速、气体进口压力和含气率等操作参数对螺旋轴流式多相泵输送性能的影响。
The effect of the inlet pressure on the performance of the vortex tuba which was designed by author was investigated by experiment with air as medium 摘要采用自行设计的涡流管,并以空气作为工作介质,通过实验研究了在保持膨胀比不变的情况下,不同进口压力对涡流管性能的影响。
According to the common method of the performance calculation of centrifugal pump , the author calculated the head and power of the pump , showed the way to get the pressure of the outlet 根据一般离心泵的计算方法,结合螺旋型离心泵的特点,论文计算了泵的扬程和功率,给出了在已知流量和进口压力的情况下求得出口压力的方法。
Relief vent will discharge water when , during no - flow periods , ( 1 ) the first check valve is fouled or ( 2 ) the inlet pressure to the device drops sufficiently due to upstream pressure fluctuations 如果在无流动期间,安全阀排气口有水排出,则原因可能是, ( 1 )第一止回阀受到污染,或( 2 )由于上游压力波动造成装置的进口压力下降太大。