- 进出 pass in and out; get in and ...
- 路径 way; route; trajectory; path ...
- 进出路 access road
- 车辆进出路 vehicular access
- 河岸进出路 approach to the river bank
- 传出路径 efferent neuron; efferent pathway
- 输出路径 export path
- 工作输出路径 job output path
- 出路 1.(通向外面或向前发展的道路) way out; outlet 找出路 find a way out; 河道淤塞, 水无出路。 the riverbed is silted up, so there's no outlet for the floodwater. 农业的根本出路在于机械化。 the fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization.2.(销售货物的去处) outlet 他们必须为自己的产品寻找出路。 they must find outlets for their products.3.(出口) egress
- 进出 1.(进来和出去) pass in and out; get in and out 进出港签证 port entry and exit visas2.(收入和支出) receipts and payments; turnover 这个商店每天有好几千元的进出。 this store has a daily turnover of several thousand yuan.; 进出道 haul road; 进出费率 in and out rates
- 路径 1.(道路) way; route; trajectory; path; tail; travel2.(门路) method; ways and means 成功的路径 way to success
- 出口,出路 outlet
- 出路窗 egress window
- 无出路 get nowhere
- 寻出路 seek one's fortune
- 找出路 look for a way out; find an outlet; look for a job with a future; seek a way out
- 毕业生出路 pgo for positive graduate outcomes
- 别无出路 have no other way out; there was no other way open to (someone)
- 产品出路 product outlet
- 冲出路外 run-off-roadway
- 出路窗窗闩 egress window latch
- 出路设计 egress design
- 出路设施 means of exit
- 出路通道 exit route
- 出路月刊 china's road monthly