- plans are being drawn up to build a hydroelectric station here
- 这里 here
- 正 the first month of the lunar ...
- 筹划 plan and prepare
- 建设 build; construct; reconstruc ...
- 一座 a
- 水力发电站 hydroelectric station; hydro ...
- 水力发电站 hydraulic power plant; hydro power station; hydroelectric power station; hydroelectricity; hydropower; water power plant; water power station
- 水力发电电站 hydroelectric generating station
- 奥利克水力发电站 orlik hydroelectric station
- 堤头水力发电站 pier head power station
- 开启式水力发电站 open air water power plant
- 水力发电站设备 hydroelectric power station machinery
- 斯拉皮水力发电站 slapy hydroelectric station
- 小型水力发电站 mini power station; small hydro electric plant; small hydroelectric power station
- 溢流式水力发电站 overflow station
- 水力发电站最大发电量 producibility of hydro electric power station
- 马夫罗沃水力发电站 mavrovo hydro power station
- 水力发电站消防推荐操作 recommended practice for fire protection for hydroelectric generating plants
- 斯卡尔卡水力发电站 skalka hydropower station
- 小型水力发电站设计规范 code for design of small-sized hydropower stations
- 波力发电站 wave electric power plant; wave power station
- 潮力发电站 tidal power station
- 风力发电站 wind power plant; wind power station; wind-power station
- 火力发电站 fuel burning station; fuel-burning power station; fuel-burning station; heat power plant; heat power station; thermal power plant; thermal power station; thermoelectric power station
- 热力发电站 thermoelectric generating station