- yes such inspired scenes did exist
- 这样 so; such; like this; this wa ...
- 神 god; deity; divinity
- 为 support; stand for
- 驰 speed; gallop
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 场面 scene; spectacle
- 确实 true; reliable; demonstratio ...
- 存在 exist; be
- 过 cross; pass
- 确实存在 really exist
- 实在的, 确实存在著 in esse
- 精神为之一振 sucking and refreshing
- 悲哀的场面 a sad scene
- 残酷的场面 savage scenery
- 动人的场面 a strong situation
- 紧张的场面 situation
- 惊人的场面 a sight for the gods
- 惊险的场面 thrilling scene
- 离别的场面 a parting scene
- 热闹的场面 scene of lively action
- 生动的场面 tableau vivant
- 盛大的场面 a grand occasion procession
- 壮丽的场面 brilliant display or spectacle
- 状观的场面 spectacle
- 超现实存在 being beyond the world; beingbeyondtheworldrld