It was abridged from the original work . 这是由原本删节的。
This is due to its inflation and consequent unemployment . 这是由通货膨胀以及随之而来的失业造成的。
The british legal system of primogeniture and entail guaranteed that a family's landholdings would be wholly retained by its heirs . 一个家庭的土地所有权总是由它的后裔全部继承下来,这是由英国的立法“长子继承权”和“限制继承权”加以保障的。
This is a one - family house built by zm industries 这是由zm工业建造的家庭房屋。
It was made of a large precast concrete panel 这是由一大型混凝土预制板制成的。
This was invented by tim berners - lee in 1989 这是由提姆?伯纳斯?李在1989年发明的。
It was adopted by the european community in 1986 这是由欧洲共同体于1986年决定的。
This is the first building to be designed by him 这是由他设计的第一栋楼房。
Well , it ' s done by our quality control department 这是由质量监督部负责。