Sw : what else is on the production schedule 在拍片计划里还有些什么其他计划?
Do you think there might be something for me 你觉得还有些什么能带给我的?
Now , what else is on the schedule today 那么,今天的工作表上还有些什么
N : what symptoms do you have 护士:您还有些什么症状?
What symptoms do you have 护士:您还有些什么症状?
Sunday passed with equal doubts , worries , assurances , and heaven knows what vagaries of mind and spirit 星期天过去了,这一天充满着同样的疑虑,担忧,自我宽慰,和天知道还有些什么别的异想天开。
But , on second thoughts , perhaps lizzy could tell us what relations he has now living better than any other person . 但倡我又想了一下,觉得丽萃也许比任何人都了解情况。会知道他现在还有些什么亲戚。
This is supposed to be the golden age of superhero movies , but beyond the first two installments of “ spider - man ” and “ x - men , ” what ' s been good 现在好像是超级英雄电影的黄金时期,不过除却《蜘蛛侠》和《 x战警》前两部之外,还有些什么佳作来着?
Secondly , enhances the thingking about firm theories after the introduction of such preconditions as how firms are set up and exist , the boundary and structure of firms , target of firms , what is the inner part and how to formalize them 其次,在引入了企业是如何产生与存在的、企业的边界及结构、企业的目标何在、组织内部还有些什么、如何形式化等问题的前提下,强化了把企业理论作为一个问题本身的思考。
It was pretty ornery preaching - all about brotherly love , and such - like tiresomeness ; but everybody said it was a good sermon , and they all talked it over going home , and had such a powerful lot to say about faith and good works and free grace and preforeordestination , and i don t know what all , that it did seem to me to be one of the roughest sundays i had run across yet 布讲的道,说的没有什么意思尽是兄弟般的爱这类叫人听了厌烦的话,可是人家一个个都说布道布得好,回家的一路之上说个不停,大谈什么信仰啦,积德啦,普济众生啦,前世注定的天命啦,等等的,叫我说也说不清还有些什么。总之,在我看来,这可说是我一生中最难受的星期天啦。