- 迎合 cater to; pander to; play up ...
- 款待 treat cordially; entertain; ...
- 迎合 cater to; pander to; play up to 迎合低级趣味 pander to low tastes; pander to the vulgar taste; play to the gallery; 迎合对方心理 go along with the other side; 迎合顾客的需要 cater to the needs of customers; 迎合某人 cater to sb.; 迎合听众 suit one's speech to the audience; 过去几年里, 电视一直迎合大众的口味。 in the past several years, television has been playing to the gallery. 演说者讲了这么多似是而非的笑话, 显然是迎合低级趣味。 the speaker was clearly playing to the gallery when he uttered so many doubtful jokes
- 款待 treat cordially; entertain; entertain with courtesy and warmth 款待客人 entertain guests; 盛宴款待 entertain sb. at a banquet; 受到殷勤款待 be hospitably entertained; 我妻子把他作为贵客款待。my wife entertained him as an honoured guest
- 迁就,迎合 accommodate
- 使迎合 ingratiate
- 好客, 款待 keep open doors
- 款待, 招待 treat to
- 款待;酬酢 entertainment
- 款待的 xenial
- 款待者 entertainer
- 名“款待 let me treat you to have dinner
- 受款待 break bread with
- 娱乐,款待 entertainment
- 供应伙食, 迎合 cater for
- 讨好迎合 unctuous 1fatty oily smug ingratiating false earnestness
- 向…讨好,迎合 play up to
- 一味迎合 go all the way to meet
- 迎合……的需要 meet the needs of
- 迎合民心的 captandum
- 迎合某人 cater to sb
- 迎合人意 scratch (a person) where he itches; fall in with the wishes of other persons
- 迎合时尚 pander to the trend of the times
- 迎合时尚的 sensational
- 迎合听众 suit one's speech to the audience