- 过境 transit; pass through the te ...
- 单据 documents attesting to the g ...
- 海关过境单据 customs transit document
- 过境单舰 transient
- 海关过境单 customs transit document
- 进口过境单 transit pass for imports
- 过境 transit; pass through the territory of a country; be in transit◇过境报关单 transit declaration; 过境车辆 transit vehicle; 过境单据 transit document; 过境国 transit country; 过境货物 transit cargo; transit [floating] goods; 过境交通 through trip; 过境路线 transit route; through route; 过境旅客 temporary visitor; transit passenger; 过境贸易 transit trade; 过境签证 transit visa; 过境权 right of passage; 过境税 transit duty; 过境运价 transborder rate; 过境专用道 transit lane
- 单据 documents attesting to the giving or receiving of money, goods, etc., such as receipts, bills, vouchers and invoices 单据不符 discrepancy in the documents; 付款单据 paying voucher; 货运单据 shipping documents; 空白单据 billhead
- 过境处 place where one crosses from one country to another
- 过境点 border crossing points
- 过境费 droits de transit; transit rate
- 过境国 state of tra it; state of transit; stateoftra it; tra it state; tra itstate; transit state
- 过境货 for prompt shipment; through cargo
- 过境口 crossing points
- 过境路 transit railway
- 过境鸟 transient visitant
- 过境桥 boundary bridge
- 过境区 transit zone
- 过境权 right of transit; transit right
- 过境室 transit lounge
- 过境税 transit dues; transit duties; transit duty; transit tax; transit tolls; transit-dues
- 过境站 border crossing point; crossing point
- 单据夹 bill folder; note-case /billfold
- 单据税 document tax
- 附单据 doc. att. documents attached; doc. att.---------------document attached; nbspdoc.att. document attached