- 过半数 more than half; majority
- 非 mistake; wrong; errors
- 门 entrance; exit; door; gate
- 过半数 more than half; majority 这个工厂过半数的职工是妇女。 more than half the workers and staff members in this mill are women. 这一议案以过半数票而通过。 the measure received a majority
- 过半数支配 majority control
- 勉强过半数 bare majority
- 投票过半数 majority of votes
- “非”输入“或”门 negated input or gate
- 过半数;简单多数 simple majority
- 过半数所有权 majority ownership
- 勉强超过半数 a bare majority ie a very small one
- 明显的过半数 clear-cut majority
- 禁止门,“与-非”门 and-not gate
- 表决多数,投票过半数 majority of votes
- 多数议决, 过半数的表决 decision by majority
- 未合并的过半数控制实体 unconsolidated majority-controlled entity
- 那一地区住了超过半数的加拿大 where do more than half of the people in canada live
- 未合并的拥有过半数股权的实体 unconsolidated majority-owned entity
- 这个工厂过半数的职工是妇女 more than half the workers and staff members in this mill are women
- 这一议案以过半数票而通过 the measure received a majority
- 门 Ⅰ名词1.(房屋、车船等的出入口 ) entrance; exit; door; gate 便门 side door; 前[后] 门 front [back] entrance [door]; 炉门 stove door; 安全门 emergency exit; 校门 school gate2.(形状或作用像门的东西) switch; valve 闸门 [机械工程] throttle valve; 水门 sluice; water gate; 电门 switch3.(门径; 关键) way ; method; access 窍门 key; knack; 摸着点门儿了 have learned the ropes; know one's way around; get an inkling4.(家; 家族) family; house 满门 the whole family; 喜临门。 blessing has descended upon the house.5.(宗教、学术思想上的派别) school (of thought); (religious) sect; branch of study 佛门 buddhism; 孔门弟子 confucian disciples; 左道旁门 heretical sect; heterodox school6.(事物的分类) category; class; branch of study 专门 speciality; 门门精通 know every subject or profession; 分门别类 divide into different categories7.[生物学] (具有最基本最显著的共同特征的生物的归类) phylum 原生动物门 protozoa; 脊椎动物门 vertebrata8.[计算机] gate: “与”门 and gate; “非”门 not gate9.(姓氏) a surname 门文爱 men wen'aiⅡ量词1.(用于炮) 一门大炮 a piece of artillery; a cannon; a gun; 两门迫击炮 two mortars2.(用于功课、技术等) 这一门亲事 this marriage (proposal); 这门学问 this branch of study; 学两门手艺 learn two skills [crafts]
- 非 Ⅰ名词1.(错误) mistake; wrong; errors 明辨是非 make a clear distinction between right and wrong; 痛改前非 thoroughly rectify one's errors; 文过饰非 try to cover up one's mistakes2.(指非洲) short for africa 南非 south africa3.(姓氏) a surname 非调 fei tiaoⅡ动词1.(不以为然; 反对; 责备) object to; oppose; blame; censure 不可厚非 excusable; not altogether inexcusable2.(不合于) not conform to; run counter to 非礼 a breach of etiquette; impolite3.(不是) be not 答非所问 give an irrelevant answer; 非笔墨所能形容 no words can adequately describe; beggar description4.[口语] (必须) have got to; simply must 不行, 我非得去。 no, i simply must go.Ⅲ副词(跟“不”呼应, 表示必须) 非下苦功不可 require painstaking effort; must work even harder; 非她不娶 will take no one but her to wifeⅣ[前缀] (表示否定或不属于某种范围) un-; non-; in-; il-; ir-; im- 非金属 nonmetal; 非正义 unjust
- 半数 half the number; half 半数以上 more than half; 半数必中界 fifty-percent zone; 半数据块 half block; 半数击倒时间 killing time of 50% (kt50); 半数值算法 seminumerical algorithm; 半数致死剂量 lethal dose of 50% (ld50); 半数致死浓度 lethal concentration of 50% (lc50); 半数致死时间 lethal time of 50% (lt50)
- 汇报申报握有过半数股权的附属公司资料 consolidationofmajority-ownedsubsidiaries
- “禁”门,“与非”门 except-gate