Nostradamus - the great prophecies mother of the millennium 诺斯特拉达穆斯伟大的预言
108 open space priceless reference - nostradamus open space by brother initiate le huu phuoc , san jose , ca , u . s . a . originally in aulacese 108开放的空间无价的参考资料- nostradamus诺斯特拉达穆斯
In issue 108 of the news magazine , there is a telephone number at the end of the article on predictions by nostradamus . have you tried calling this number 108期新闻杂志有关诺斯特拉达穆斯的预言的文章最后有一个电话号码,不知读者有没有试著打看看?
Today , someone was talking with me in the back mountain about nostradamus predictions about this century , this time of our era when there will be a guru who comes to the world , the savior of the world 今天在后山有人跟我谈到诺斯特拉达穆斯对本世纪的预言,他说在这个时代,会有明师降世,是救世主。
This past summer , i happened to stop by a bookstore in san jose , california . there i found a book called " nostradamus and predictions for the latter half of the 20th century , " in the aulacese language , published by the world publishing company 年夏季我在加州圣荷西逛一家书店,偶然发现了世界出版公司出版的悠乐文书诺斯特拉达穆斯和他对二十世纪后半叶的预言。
What is really beautiful is that jean s prophecies , include not only disasters and suffering , but also a wonderful future in which humanity will become enlightened after a difficult time of bringing back the divine order to earth 和诺斯特拉达穆斯正好相反,琼的预言之精采之处在于他不仅描述了灾难与苦痛,同时也预见了患难时代过去之后人类将走向开悟,地球将回归神圣的美好前景。
" the " strange birds " are our distributed flyers , announcing master s arrival in all corners of the world : see god while living - immediate enlightenment - heaven is here and now - liberation in this life . . . please refer to news no . 108 of for details 指观音法门的宣间准备,在世界各地宣传明师的来临在世见上帝现在即刻开悟现在天堂就在此地此时现在一世解脱现在详见108期本刊杂志诺斯特拉达穆斯伟大的预言
One day at midnight , i was racking my brains over some quatrains by nostradamus , wondering how they should be translated . i thought of master and she called me on the phone ! at the end of the talk , she asked if i had any problems , so i took the opportunity to consult her 有一天半夜,面对著诺斯特拉达穆斯的预言诗,我正愁著不知如何翻译其中的几句,心中想到师父,师父就突然打电话来了,最后还问我有没有什么问题,我就藉机请问她。
At the end of the book , readers will find prophecies made over four hundred years ago by the renowned french seer nostradamus , who mentions a great female master from the orient who will lead the world away from disaster . his words even allude to master s name and life story 本书结尾的压轴篇章是法国大预言家诺斯特拉达穆斯nostradamus在四百年前所作的预言:一位来自东方的女性明师将带领世人走出劫难,他的预言甚至清楚地指出师父的名字和生平。