- 边缘 border; edge; fringe; margin ...
- 内 inner; inside; within
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 近边缘内的 intramarginal; intromarginal
- 边缘内有槽的 contorniate
- 边缘内电路测试 test boundary in-circuit
- 舷缘内倾 fallhome; falling in (or falling home); tumble home; tumblehome
- 内的 inner; inside; interior; internal; inward
- 叶缘内囊群的 antemarginal
- 边缘 1.(沿边的部分) border; edge; fringe; margin; rim; limb; skirt; verge; brink; periphery 经济破产的边缘 the verge of economic bankruptcy; 悬崖的边缘 the edge of a precipice; 森林的边缘 the fringe of a forest; the verge of a forest; the margin of a forest; 大洋最远的边缘 the farthest bounds of the ocean; 生活在饥饿的边缘 live at the verge of starvation; 战争边缘政策 brink-of-war policy; brinkmanship2.(靠近界线的; 同两方面或多方面有关系的) marginal; borderline 边缘学科 borderline subject; interdisciplinary subject; peripheral subject
- 户内的, 室内的 indoor
- 岸内的 intracoastal
- 板内的 intralamellar; intralaminar
- 胞内的 endocellular; intracellular
- 鼻内的 endonasal; intranasal
- 壁内的 intramural; intrapatrietal
- 滨内的 inshore
- 冰内的 intraglacial
- 舱内的 in board; inboard
- 层内的 endostratic; intraformational; intrastratal
- 肠内的 enteral; intraintestinal
- 厂内的 in-plant; on-plant
- 池内的 intracisternal
- 船内的 in board; inboard
- 党内的 intraparty; intrapersonal