- 辨 distinguish; discriminate; d ...
- 疮疡 skin and external diseases; ...
- 疮疡 [中医] skin and external diseases; swelling and ulcer on the body surface
- 疮疡辨表里 exterior-interior differentiation of ulcer
- 疮疡辨经络 meridian-differentiation of ulcer
- 疮疡辨脉 pulse-differentiation of ulcer
- 疮疡辨脓 pus-differentiation of ulcer
- 疮疡辨痛 pain-differentiation of ulcer
- 疮疡辨虚实 sthenia-asthenia differentiation of ulcer
- 疮疡辨阳症 yang syndrome-differentiation of ulcer
- 疮疡辨痒 itching-differentiation of ulcer
- 疮疡辨阴症 yin syndrome-differentiation of ulcer
- 疮疡补法 tonifying therapy for ulcer
- 疮疡掺药法 purgation for ulcer
- 疮疡发寒热 fever and cold aversion of ulcer
- 疮疡发痉 conulsion with ulcer
- 疮疡烦燥 restlessness with ulcer
- 疮疡和营法 regulating ying and wei for treating ulcer
- 疮疡麻木 numbness with ulcer
- 疮疡内消法 endotherapy for eliminating ulcer
- 疮疡呕吐 vomiting with ulcer
- 疮疡清热法 cooling therapy for ulcer
- 疮疡生胬肉 ulcerous hyperplasia
- 疮疡疏通法 pugation for ulcer
- 疮疡托法 method of expelling pathogens by strengthening vital qi