- pratyeka each one individual oneself only
- 辟 monarch; sovereign; ruler
- 支 branch; offshoot
- 辟支佛 pacceka-buddha; pratyekabuddhas
- 辟支佛乘 the middle vehicle that of the pratyekabuddha one of the three vehicles
- 辟支佛地 pratyeka-buddhahood only the dead ashes of the past left to sift
- 缘觉,辟支佛 pratyeakabuddha
- 独觉者、缘觉者、辟支佛 pratyekabuddha
- 辟召贤能 summon worthies and talents to court
- 辟有亚太经合组织 apec
- 辟有汉学研究中心 ccs
- 辟子方 bi zifang
- 辟易千人 (he) makes a thousand men flee in all directions -- one is too fierce for anyone to encounter him
- 辟闾 a surname 辟闾彬 bilü bing
- 辟伊士他法典 code of lipit-ishtar
- 辟支的俄语:pinyin:pìzhī будд. пратьека-будда
- 辟支什么意思: 1. 佛教语。 辟支迦佛陀的略称。 ▶ 宋 曾巩 《灵岩寺兼简重元长老二刘居士》诗: “法定禅房临峭谷, 辟支灵塔冠层峦。” ▶ 明 屠隆 《昙花记‧仙佛同途》: “愿希普门大士, 不作辟支菩萨。”参见“ 辟支佛 ”。 2. 哔叽的旧译。 斜纹的毛织品。