

  • rammer



  • 例句与用法
  • Consulting about foreign study , the research showed that the speed of firing can be improved by modifying the machanism of the automatic , and at the same time two problems must be solved , one is that more mechanisms should act at the same time to reduce the time of the whole actions of automatic mechanisms , the other is that the time of each mechanism ' s action should be reduced . the time can be reduced by several ways . the first one is to reduce the mass of mechanism , the second one is to increase the force applied on the mechanism and reduce the resistance , the third one is to shorten the working distance , the fourth one is to give abstention and cushion to mechanism before action ends . this thesis includes the following topics : discussion of the theory of the automatic and shell - swing design , establish the kinematic and dynamic models of the main structures in automatic and perform the corresponding mechanical analysis , set up a compendious cyclical diagram for the automatic ; the computer simulation to the navy gun ' s firing parts
    由现有舰炮自动机循环图可知,制约射速提高的几个因素是:后座、复进占用的时间较长,约占总循环时间的三分之一;供弹机的动作单独占用循环时间,且较长;输弹机的输弹时间较长;各机构动作重叠少;参考国内外的研究情况,本文提出了在采用改进完善现有自动机机构来提高射速时,必须考虑以下两点: ( 1 ) 、力求在同一时间内能使更多的机构参与工作,并处理好各动作之间的衔接(即接口技术) ,以便缩短整个自动机的动作循环时间。
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