- 轻薄 given to philandering; frivo ...
- 烟 smoke
- 叶 leaf; foliage
- 鹿舌(烟)叶 deertongue leaf
- 叶 叶形容词(和洽; 相合) harmonious 叶韵 rhyme
- 烟 Ⅰ名词1.(物质燃烧时产生的气体) smoke 毒烟 toxic smoke; 褐烟 brown smoke; 蓝烟 cold smoke; 高高的烟囱喷吐出黑烟。 tall chimneys belch [vomit] forth black smoke. 满屋子都是烟。 the room was full of smoke. 烟从烟囱里袅袅升起。 the smoke is ascending slowly from the chimney.2.(像烟的东西) mist; vapour 云烟 clouds and mist3.(烟草) tobacco 烤烟 flue-cured [roasted] tobacco; 种烟 cultivate [grow, raise] tobacco4.(纸烟、烟丝等的统称) tobacco; cigarette 抽支烟 have a cigarette [smoke]; 点烟 light up a cigarette; 戒烟 cut out [give up; swear off] tobacco; 一袋烟的功夫 time enough to smoke a pipeful of tobacco; 一支接一支地抽烟 puff away a cigarette after another; 嘴上叼着一支烟 hold a cigarette between one's lips; 你吸烟吗? do you smoke? 他吸烟过多。 he smokes too much.5.(鸦片) opium 禁烟 ban opium; 烟枪 opium pipe6.(姓氏) a surname 烟嘉 yan jiaⅡ动词(烟气刺激眼睛) (of eyes) be irritated by smoke 谁在这里生火啊? 都烟得睁不开眼了。 who's lighting the stove here? i can't even open my eyes for the smoke
- 轻薄 given to philandering; frivolous 轻薄少年 a lighthearted youth; a coxcomb; 举止轻薄 frivolous behaviour; philandering act
- 叶,叶 propeller blade
- (叶)菊苣 leaved chjc (c)ory
- 凸起;叶 lobe
- 叶(落叶) fallen leaves
- 叶(张) leaf
- 叶,树叶 leaf
- 火、烟 water fire and smoke
- 戒掉(烟) cut back
- 棚焦(烟) shed burn
- 烟, 烟草 tabacum
- 烟,气体 fume
- 烟,烟雾 smoke
- 烟;冒烟 smoke
- 烟沟;烟 chimney
- 烟雾;烟 fumes
- 超轻薄 mininote
- 轻薄,放荡。 colt's teeth
- 轻薄的 light-minded