- 轮廓 outline; line; lineament; co ...
- 反差 contrast; definition; contra ...
- 反差 contrast; definition; contrast grade
- 耳廓反射 auricle reflex
- 轮廓 outline; line; lineament; contour profile; rough sketch 脸的轮廓 the contour of a face; 山峦的轮廓 profile of the mountains; 先画个轮廓 , 再画细部。draw an outline before you fill in the details. 夜幕降临了, 但厂房还能看见个轮廓。 night fell, but the outline of the factory buildings was still discernible.; the factory buildings were silhouetted against the growing darkness.; 轮廓不清晰度 turbidity (相片); 轮廓清晰 clear-cut; 轮廓图 profilogram; scheme; keydrawing; schematogram; contour records; outline sketch
- 暗反差;正反差 dark contrast
- 暗反差 dark contrast
- 低反差 low contrast; low-contrast
- 反差;差别 contrast
- 反差比 contrast ratio
- 反差度 contrast grade; degree of contrast; image definition
- 反差剂 contrast aid; contrast media; contrastaid
- 反差值 contrast value
- 负反差 negative contrast
- 高反差 high-contrast◇高反差胶片 high-contrast film; 高反差乳剂 high-contrast emulsion
- 明反差 bright contrast
- 强反差 contrasty; high contrast
- 热反差 thermal contrast
- 色反差 color contrast
- 正反差 dark contrast; positive contrast; positvei contrast
- 中反差 medium contrast
- 箔轮廓 foil profile
- 粗轮廓 hazy out lines
- 舵轮廓 rudder profile
- 勾轮廓 crayon