The type and working principle of 4wd which connected by cohesive shaft coupler are introduced , the effect of motor vehicle speed and tyre sliding rate on rotation difference of cohesive shaft coupler are described 介绍了采用粘性联轴器连接的四轮驱动形式和工作原理,阐述了汽车速度、轮胎滑移率对粘性联轴器转速差的影响。
Once the structure of cohesive shaft coupler is determined , the characteristic of rotating toque can be adjusted and transferred automatically by rotation speed difference to drive one axle , that makes a tow wheel drive motor vehicle change to a four wheel drive motor vehicle easily 粘性联轴器一经确定结构,即可通过转速差自动调节传递转矩的特性,驱动一个桥,使两轮驱动汽车轻易变为四轮驱动汽车。
The third one describes the properties of working fluid and some experiments on viscous - temperature curves of silicone oil , named as 0 . 017m2 / s , 0 . 027m2 / s and 0 . 037m2 / s . the experimental results demonstrate that the dimension of plate and properties of working fluid have influences on life - span and torque transfer performance of lvc . in chapter four , the strength of each component of lvc were designed and corrected and the new seals were used and the space between the inner and outer plate is 0 . 4mm 第一章主要说明了课题研究的背景和意义、液体粘性联轴器的工作原理及其在工程上的应用,介绍了常时四轮驱动汽车的概念与分类;第二章在阅读大量文献的基础上,对液体粘性联轴器的研究成果进行总结,包括粘性联轴器的扭矩计算,扭矩输出所受的影响因素,驼峰发生的机理、驼峰触发的温度、驼峰发生时的最小转速差,联轴器在发生驼峰现象之前硅油剪切的内部温度特性,联轴器的传热模型以及汽车速度、滑移率对转速差的影响。