- drehzahlprofil speed profile
- 转速 speed; revolution; rotation ...
- 剖面 bisect; section; profile
- 等速剖面 isocon; isovelocity cross section
- 流速剖面 fluid velocity profile
- 流速剖面图 velocity profile
- 溶速剖面 dissolutionrate profile
- 风速剖线 wind speed profile; wind velocity profile
- 加速剖谱法 accelerator mass spectrometry; ams
- 转速 speed; revolution; rotation rate; speed of revolution; rotating speed; rotational speed◇转速指示器 speed indicator; shaft revolution indicator
- a-a剖面 a a section; a-a section
- 剖面 [地质学] bisect; section; profile 横剖面 cross section; 纵剖面 longitudinal section; 剖面符号 [图] section symbols; 剖面图 [电磁] sectional view; profile; bisect; profile chart; sectional drawing; section; 剖面线 hatch
- 纬向风速剖线 zonal wind-speed profile
- 泵转速 speed of the pump; speed; pump
- 比转速 specific speed
- 变转速 variable speed
- 超转速 excess revolution; overspeed
- 低转速 slow-speed of revolution
- 飞转速 flank speed
- 角转速 angular speed
- 空转速 idling speed
- 轮转速 wheel eed; wheel speed
- 全转速 full speed
- 微转速 micro-speed
- 轴转速 shaft revolution; shaft speed; speed of spindle; speed; shock; speedofspindle; spindle speed; spindlespeed
- 转速-转矩 speed-torque